Printed scripture text: Acts 16:11-15, 40, I Corinthians 1:26-30


In the book of Acts, Luke writes about the apostle Paul and company journeyed to Philippi. Philippi was a Roman city, and at that time there were no synagogues. For a synagogue to be established in a city, ten Jewish men had to convene and lead it. Although there were no synagogues, there were women who were determined to be found faithful, worshipping God in Spirit and truth. They met outside the city at a river west of Philippi. As Paul traveled outside the city and found out where the local God-fearing worshipped and joined them. There Paul preached and taught the word of God to these women. There Paul met a woman named Lydia, a merchant of expensive purple cloth, who worshipped God. As Lydia listened to Paul speak the word of God, the Lord opened her heart and she received what he was saying, believed the word. This resulted in Lydia and her household getting saved and baptized. So Lydia became one of Paul’s financial supporters and was a loyal helper in his ministry. Lydia opened her house to Paul and Silas after they were released from prison. She did not let the fear of associating with people accused of rabble-rousing keep her from supporting God’s workers. This shows how God uses people who are willing to be used by Him for His service. Formal education, political power, economic status or any of these things places you ahead in the kingdom of God. Instead, God specifically chooses those this world counts as low to show His glory through them. Also, He uses social outcast to accomplish His will. God chose twelve disciples, who were ordinary men to do extraordinary ministry for His kingdom. He chooses the lowly, and completed the entire work of salvation by Himself, so no one has anything to boast about to God. Praise God for women like Lydia, who received the word, got saved, and supports the ministry in helping souls to be won by hearing Christ gospel.


Church, God uses both women and men to accomplish His will. Also, He chooses the social outcasts to serve in His kingdom. Let us avail ourselves as instruments for God’s service. Don’t allow our status, position, political preferences or anything to prevent us from being used by God. Because God uses and chooses what others despised for His glory. Salvation comes by God through His Son Jesus alone. Not anything we do ourselves can merit salvation. God provided salvation Himself so that no one can brag or boast in themselves about what God did for them. Because what God does in salvation is an act of His grace only. Apart from Jesus, we cannot be saved, because Jesus is the only way to God the Father. Believe on Jesus and you shall be saved! What’s stopping you from allowing God to use you for His gloryRemember, God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the call.