Community Events
Senior Holiday Luncheon 2024
For by it the elders obtained a good report. Hebrews 11:2.
The annual Senior Brunch was fun and festive. Our seniors came out and filled the Fellowship Hall in their Christmas attire. The food was good, the fellowship was great, and the overall program was a blessing from God. Our seniors had a ball!
Church, let us make time and space for our seniors. Godly men and women whom God uses to guide the upcoming generation to Him. Again, I want to thank Sis. Peggy Jackson for her leadership and vision with honoring our elders. To the cooks, servers and everyone who worked behind the scenes helping to make this annual endeavor truly a blessing from the Lord. Lord’s willing, we’ll see you all next year!
Active Shooter Presentation 2024
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. I Peter 5:8. The Active Shooter Presentation was informative and useful. We received information about becoming better prepared in the event of an emergency. The presenter was well versed on the subject matter and answered questions from the membership. Church, this is the first step towards us becoming equipped for actions. The next step is providing training. The training dates will be forthcoming. Thank you goes out to Bro. Wendell Williams for setting up the presentation and taking the lead on helping us to be prepared.
Labor Day Picnic 2024
The annual church picnic was truly a blessing from the Lord. It’s been approximately four years since we hosted our picnic and everything went well. People came out in mountain numbers and filled Eldorado Park. The food was good, the fellowship was great, and overall we had a wonderful day together. A peaceful and productive day; all day.
Church, let us thank God for His bountiful provisions He provided for our fellowship. But this couldn’t be without the faithful help from others. Men and women who sacrificed their time, energy and comfort to cook, serve, support, and minister to make the fellowship a blessing from the Lord. I can’t wait until next year!
Senior Citizen Western Luncheon 2024
Culmination Day 2024
We, the membership of Miracle, pause to commend and congratulate our student members for their achievements toward higher learning. We support you in your endeavors that ultimately glorify the Lord. Also, we want to commend our parents for their hard work, pointing their child/children in the right direction.
Church, let us pray for and encourage all our students as they advance to the next level.
Children’s Day 2024
Sunday, June 9th, was Children and Youth Day! Our spirited and gifted saints of God will serve on the program, showcasing their many gifts and talents.
By God’s grace, He has gifted them to be used for His glory. Children and youth are precious in God’s sight and have a place in His kingdom. Because God’s kingdom is for all people, and they should be used in His service.
Church, let us pray for, support, and encourage all of our children as God is using them in His service. Aide them in their spiritual development as they grow up in Christ. Special thank you goes out to Sis. Cynthia Tinson Jones, thank you for your leadership, our parents’ support, bringing your child/children, cooks, and those working behind the scenes to help make this endeavor a blessing from the Lord.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise. Ephesians 6:1-2.
Great Men’s CookOff 2024
On Saturday, June 8th, our Health and Wellness Ministry hosted its annual Great Men’s Cook-Off. The men showcased their culinary skills as they gave us a sample dish. Church, let us encourage our men to use their gifts to treat us. Thank you go out to Sis. Dr. Roberta West for her leadership and to the Health and Wellness Ministry. Below are photos of the Men who participated and received trophies for their participation.
Pre-mother’s Day Brunch 2024
Men’s Annual Fellowship Breakfast
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1.
The Men’s Annual Fellowship Breakfast was indeed a blessing from the Lord. The men of Miracle, along with other men, came to fellowship and received the lesson on our theme, “The Cost of Discipleship,” coming from Matthew 16:24. A special thank you to our speaker of the day, Rev. George Cowart, Pastor of Devine Favor Missionary Baptist Church, for coming and allowing God to use him to be a blessing to us.
Church, let us support, encourage, and pray for our men as they continue to be used by God. All for His glory.
Annual Usher Board Prayer Breakfast
The annual Usher Board Prayer Breakfast was a blessing from the Lord. The Ushers blessed us with a warm greeting, a message from God, good food, and fellowship. Overall, it was a good day ministering to the body of Christ.
Church, let us make it our practice and pray for and encourage those who serve in the ministry of “Winning Souls to Christ.” Thank you to Sis. Peggy Jackson for her leadership, the Combined Usher Board, other ministry leaders, and everyone who worked behind the scenes.
GCY Black History Month Program 2024
Last Sunday was the culmination of the celebration of Black History Month. During February, we presented and highlighted some people of color whom God used to make a historical impact on society. Next, our (G.C.Y.), God’s Chosen Youth, concluded with their annual Black History Program. They presented information, told stories and skits to dramatize what our people went through. Their message was clear, and their struggles were real. Their sacrifices and faith in God serve as a living example for us and future generations.
Church, let us pray for, encourage, and support our G.C.Y. for allowing God to use them to remind us of who we are. Special thanks go out to Sis. Pamella West Lee, for her leadership, the committee members, Sis. Simmons, our youth, and those who worked behind the scenes, making this endeavor a blessing from the Lord. Lord willing, we will see you next year!
Health & Wellness Workshop 2024
2024 Winter Revival
Our annual Winter revival, Tuesday, January 9th to Thursday, January 11th, was a blessing from the Lord. The revival was informative and insightful. God mightily used our revivalist, Rev. George Cowart, Pastor of the Divine Favor Missionary Baptist Church. He preached with power and passion, and we received God’s message for Miracle. What a timely message that ministered to our hearts. Pastor Cowart preached “The Lost Sheep,” “The Lost Coin,” and “The Lost Son.” We were reminded of what God has done for us each night through Christ. He finds us, favors us, and fulfills His promises to us. We are who we are because of who God is to His people.
Church, I pray that all who attended or signed onto the conference call number are being revived. Because the genuine revival begins after the revival ends, let us start this new year with a renewed spirit and devotion to serving Christ. Use this revival to motivate us to live our best life, all for the glory of God. Thank you go out to our revivalist for coming and blessing us. Also, thank you to our Kitchen Ministry for providing refreshments for us nightly.
Senior Citizen’s Christmas Luncheon
Homecoming Sunday Fall 2023
What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? Psalm 116:12.
Last Sunday culminated the Pastor’s Appreciation Celebration. During the
month of October, I experienced an outpouring of love from the entire membership of Miracle. Again, I want to acknowledge everyone for your acts of kindness and deeds of love. To Bro. Howard White as M.C., our escorts, Bro. Terrance Floyd and Sis. Alexia Davis, the mass choir for praising God through song, and the Praise Dancers for ministering through dance. Deacon Lenard Banks led us in morning prayer, Dr. Tracy Robinson for reading the morning announcements with enthusiasm, and others giving an update on the sick and shut-in list members. Sis. Julia Robertson for welcoming our visitors, Bro. Matthew Turner spoke from the theme of what his pastor means to him and, to top it all off, the one and only Sis. Pamella West Lee presented an exemplary proclamation done with passion and perfection. Rev. George Cowart, my brother and Pastor of the Divine Favor Missionary Baptist Church, for blessing our hearts with the subject, “The Purpose of Pastoral Leadership”, taken from I Thessalonians 3:10, informing some and reminding others of pastoral leadership is his passion, purpose towards perfecting what is lacking in our faith.
Church, what you’ve done during this appreciation truly blessed me in ways that cannot be put into words. You demonstrated your love and appreciation, which I will cherish for years. Also, sitting, listening, and observing allowed me to know and understand where I stand with you and this ministry. Thank you for taking the time to encourage me in my service to the Lord and you at Miracle.
I love you all! ~ Pastor

Senior Citizen Luau Luncheon
Summer 2023 Revival
Our summer revival on August 8th, 9th, and 10th was indeed a blessing from the Lord. The word went forth with power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit. Our Revivalist preached from the subject, “I Want My Joy Back,” taken from Psalms 51:12. Rev. George Cowart, Pastor of the Divine Favor Missionary Baptist Church, ignited a fire in our souls, and he helped us see the need to be revived. When we are revived, we can see the need to return to God. And when God’s people return back to Him, He restores their joy. As believers, we all should want the joy back we once had. We pray everyone left feeling revived, restored, and filled with joy!