Scripture printed text: Psalm 107:1-9, 39-43
The Psalmist gives an invitation to come and give thanks unto the Lord. He tells us the reason for thanking God, because He is good, for His mercy endures forever. He directs his attention to the redeemed of the Lord to say something. The people whom God has delivered from the hand of their enemies, ought to shout, sing, stand and praise the Lord for His goodness towards them. Thanksgiving is a confession of gratitude to God. We thank God for His goodness and lovingkindness, it lasts forever. God hears us and responds to our faith in Him. So everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be rescued from bondage and burden from their enemy.
Lesson outline:
- Praise the Lord (Psalm 107:1-3)
- Love in Action (Psalm 107:4-9)
- Recognize God’s Steadfastness (Psalm 107:39-43)
Psalm 107 was written when the Israelites were permitted to return and resettle in their homelands of Canaan. They were free from captivity of the Babylonians, because God had redeemed them from their hands. As a result of their freedom from bondage from their enemy, the psalmist admonished everyone to give thanks and praise because their period of exile was finally over. God redeemed His people who were dispersed throughout four compass points; north, south, east and west. Now they are reassemble to come and worship the Lord their God. The Israelites knew firsthand how good God is and has been to them.
When we pause to reflect on God’s goodness and mercy He’s shown unto us, our response should be a shout Hallelujah praise and thanksgiving to God. Thanking God for His unfailing compassion and mercy towards us.
God’s steadfast love for His people is evident on how He brought back those who wandered in the wilderness, lost their homes, hungry and thirsty and almost died. In their wilderness experience, they cried out to the Lord for help, and God heard them and rescued them to safety. Again, the psalmist declares oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and wonderful things He has done for them. God redeems us and satisfies us with good things. He feeds the hungry and gives drink to the thirsty. Praise God for His love in action and His mighty hand of deliverance.
The Lord God does something to both the redeemed and the rebellious. The rebellious is brought down low through oppression and affliction. Through affliction, God gets our attention and now can speak to us. God won’t speak to us, as long as we refuse to listen to Him. The redeemed are those whom God rescues for their oppression and affliction and supply them with their needs. Food, clothing, shelter, and a song of praise unto Him. We are reminded that God shut the mouths of the wicked, and redeems those who places their trust in Him unto Him.
The psalmist says that this is a joyful reunion from captivity. Oh that men would praise the Lord, for His goodness, mercy and unfailing love towards them. Let the redeemed say so, that the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever. God is worthy to be praised! Praise Him!